Privacy Policy
We can help you figure out a problem.

Privacy Policy for Using the GameFox App, Effective Date: March 1, 2024

This Privacy Policy governs the provision and utilization of the "GameFox" application (hereafter referred to as "GameFox"), offered by BitBurst GmbH, located at 40789 Monheim am Rhein (referred to here as "we" or "us"), for usage on your mobile device.

When you engage with GameFox, we collect, process, and utilize your personal information. We prioritize the confidentiality of your data during your interaction with GameFox and aim to inform you about the types of personal data we gather during your use of GameFox and our practices in managing this data.

This Privacy Policy is always accessible within the app under the “Privacy Policy” section or at

Data Responsibility

BitBurst GmbH, based in 40789 Monheim am Rhein (detailed contact information available in the app's legal notice or at, is designated as the “controller” under applicable data protection laws, particularly the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

For inquiries or feedback regarding data privacy in GameFox, you can reach us by mail (BitBurst GmbH, Lerchenweg 3, 40789 Monheim am Rhein) or email at

Definition of Personal Data

"Personal data" refers to information that can directly or indirectly identify you, such as your name or pseudonymized data like a unique ID. This category includes email addresses, physical addresses, mobile phone numbers, user names, profile pictures, personal preferences, usage habits of apps on your device, user content, financial details, and health information. It may also encompass single-use identifiers like your device's IP address or browser and other specific details about your mobile device.

This Privacy Policy encompasses all personal data collected and processed by you through your use of GameFox.

Gathering and Utilization of Your Data

Your data is sometimes directly provided by you (e.g., during account creation or contact) and other times automatically collected during your use of GameFox (e.g., to provide and understand service usage).

We use your data to execute and process the GameFox usage contract. We mainly use your data to compute and disburse your earned bonuses (bonus is earned when you successfully complete specific offer details related to each apps you interact with through GameFox) and inform you about participating apps in GameFox. Other usages occur only under legal obligations or permissions, your granted consent, or if they serve the legitimate interests of BitBurst GmbH as GameFox's provider.

The legal bases for processing your data include, but are not limited to:

  • Your consent for data usage within GameFox under Art. 6(1)(a) GDPR;
  • Fulfillment of our service obligations from the GameFox usage contract under Art. 6(1)(b) GDPR;
  • Our legitimate interest under Art. 6(1)(f) GDPR;
  • Commercial interests in enhancing our services to understand your needs better and improve our offerings for you;
  • Fraud prevention and ensuring compliant and fraud-free usage of GameFox;
  • Security of our services and technical integrity of our offerings (apps and web server);
  • Securing and enforcing our contractual rights and claims;
  • Legal obligations under Art. 6(1)(c) GDPR, if data collection, storage, transfer, or processing is legally mandated or necessary for fulfilling our statutory duties.

Your Data Rights

You have the right to obtain information about the scope and nature of your personal data processed by us. You can also request rectification, processing restriction, or deletion of your personal data, in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations. Additionally, you have the right to receive a copy of your personal data in a machine-readable format and reuse it for your own purposes across different services.

In case of data privacy breaches, you are entitled to file a complaint with the appropriate supervisory authority.

Further information is detailed later in this Privacy Policy in the section: “Your Rights as a Data Subject”.

Specifically, your personal data is used as follows during GameFox use:


Registration is necessary for GameFox usage.

Consent for Personal Data Processing for GameFox Use

When first using GameFox, you must accept our terms and conditions (GTC) during registration and consent to your personal data processing by GameFox. The consent is confirmed by clicking the “Accept & Continue” button (if you do not consent, click “Reject the Privacy Policy & Terms of Use”; this will make GameFox usage impossible):

I agree that GameFox may use the following personal data:

Registration data (email address, date of birth, gender)

Information on Withdrawing Consent

Consent withdrawal and GameFox usage termination are possible anytime with future effect. They can be communicated to BitBurst GmbH via email at or by mail to BitBurst GmbH, 40789 Monheim am Rhein. No special fees apply for consent withdrawal. Upon withdrawal, your data will be deleted from the GameFox database; if deletion is impossible, data processing will be restricted instead. Further, GameFox use is impossible after consent withdrawal.

Registration and Registration via Facebook or Google Login

You must choose between using Apple/Google account data.

We also request the following data points during the registration process:

  • Age
  • Gender

This information is essential for identification. We use this data to set up and provide GameFox on your mobile device. Your date of birth verifies legal age, as GameFox is only for users aged 18 and above.

Your data is securely transmitted using SSL encryption.

Alternatively, you can log in using your Apple or Google account. Additional GameFox registration is not needed. You'll be directed to the Apple or Google page to register with your user data, linking your Apple or Google profile to our app. We automatically receive the following information from Apple or Google:

  • Apple ID or Google ID
  • Email address registered on Apple or Google
  • Profile and title picture on Apple or Google

Your data is securely transmitted from Apple or Google servers using SSL encryption.

Further Information:

Apple's provider, Apple Inc., is based at One Apple Park Way, Cupertino, California, USA. The particular personal data shared with us is contingent upon your Apple account settings. For details on Apple's data privacy policies and terms, please refer to and

Google services are provided by Google, located at Google Building, Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland. The specific personal data sent to us depends on your Google profile settings. Refer to Google's data privacy terms and conditions:

Using an Apple or Google login may lead to your personal data collection by Apple or Google, potentially being sent outside the EU/EEA, stored, and used there. We are not privy to and do not influence Facebook or Google's data use.

Please see Apple and Google's privacy policies and terms of use agreed upon during registration.

Registration/Setting Up a User Account

To fully use GameFox and particularly benefit from bonus payments, you must register by setting up a user account. This registration facilitates GameFox services and bonus calculation.

During registration, we collect and store additional personal data, if necessary. This includes (if not already collected and stored as described above):

  • Payment data: Email address of a PayPal account or details for other supported payment providers.

This data processing is based on your consent (see above) and is used to fulfill the GameFox usage contract.

Lack of this information or data may result in limited or no GameFox usage, particularly affecting bonus eligibility.

Use Data

During GameFox use, we automatically log and store certain data.

Use Data about Your Device

To unmistakably identify you during GameFox use and allocate you for new app recommendations, bonus calculation, and payment, we store other data about GameFox use and your device. This includes the Google Advertiser ID (“GAID” for Android) and Apple Identifier for Advertisers (“IDFA” for Apple iOS), Widevine ID, your device's model and product name, operating system version, browser type and its display resolution, your device's IP address, and information about when and which content from our offering was accessed, requested file names, and their access dates and times. This data is required to determine your requested content (e.g., text, images, games, product information, downloadable files, etc.), enable our services in accordance with the terms of use, and optimally display GameFox on your device. App providers must receive the device ID for billing purposes to finance our app suggestions.

This data processing is based on your consent (see above) and serves to perform the GameFox usage contract.

If our server logs automatically record your IP address, it is solely for the security or fraud prevention of our systems.

Thus, this data processing safeguards BitBurst GmbH's legitimate interests as the GameFox provider.

Anonymized Use Data for Service Improvement

Otherwise, we process the aforementioned use data in a generalized, anonymized manner to analyze GameFox usage. This data includes the models and product names of devices used for GameFox, operating system versions, browser types, and their display resolutions, as well as general details on when and which content from our offering is accessed, most frequently requested data or files, and their access dates and times. This data is solely for GameFox's needs-based design, continuous service improvement, and security flaw detection.

This data does not enable personal identification.

This data processing safeguards the legitimate interests of BitBurst GmbH as the provider of GameFox.

Contact Section

In the app's contact section, you can reach us via email using our contact form. We collect your email address for this purpose. The data you choose to provide us within the contact framework is up to you.

In this case, we use your data only to respond to your query.

This data processing is based on your permission and safeguards the legitimate interests of BitBurst GmbH as the provider of GameFox.

Data Storage Duration

We store your personal data as long as needed for GameFox contract performance, fulfilling your requests, or our legitimate interests for which we logged your personal data, or as legally permitted or required:

  • If you consent to email address use for marketing purposes, we store your email address in our mailing database until you deregister, request data erasure, or after a period of inactivity (no interaction with us for a maximum of 18 months);
  • If you send us a query, we process your personal data for the duration of your query processing.

We have an automated process in place to delete personal data after the applicable retention period has expired. When we no longer need your personal data, we will erase it from our systems and records or anonymize it to prevent identification.

We may retain some personal data to comply with our statutory and regulatory obligations and manage our rights (e.g., asserting rights in court) or for statistical purposes. If you send us a query, we process your personal data for the duration of your query processing.

Data Forwarding

Your personal data is forwarded to third parties without your explicit prior permission only in the following cases, besides others mentioned in this Privacy Policy:

  • If necessary for resolving unlawful use or misuse of GameFox or for prosecution, personal data will be passed on to law enforcement and, if needed, to harmed third parties. This occurs only if there are specific indications of unlawful or misuse behavior. We are also legally required to provide information to certain public bodies upon request, including law enforcement, administrative offense-financial penalty authorities, and financial authorities.
  • Forwarding to third parties under professional secrecy is only necessary for implementing GameFox terms and conditions or other agreements and our claims from the GameFox usage contract.
  • To provide our service, we sometimes rely on contractually bound third-party companies and external service providers, like customer service and GameFox hosting. Information is passed to these entities or individuals for further processing in such cases. We carefully select and regularly review these external service providers to protect your privacy. They can process data only for purposes specified by us and are contractually bound to handle your data exclusively in accordance with this Privacy Policy and German data privacy laws.
  • Our company's structure may change as part of our business development, such as legal form alterations, founding, purchasing, or selling subsidiary companies, business units, or components. In such transactions, customer information is transferred along with the part of the company being transferred, with your consent. We ensure that any personal data transfer to third parties to the specified extent complies with this Privacy Policy and relevant data protection laws, and we will seek your permission.

Security Measures for Data Protection

We are committed to protecting your privacy and treating your personal data confidentially. Your data is stored in our databases, accessible only to us and specifically trained data protection employees.

If we engage third-party service providers to process your data on our behalf to provide web services, we ensure they adhere to the strict conditions of this Privacy Policy and that no data use beyond its scope occurs. All contractors, service providers, and their employees are subject to our instructions and are legally bound to observe and be trained in protecting your data.

To prevent data loss or misuse, we implement comprehensive technical and organizational safety measures that are regularly reviewed and updated to match technological progress. We particularly employ modern encryption techniques and various measures to prevent unauthorized third-party information access as far as within our influence.

However, due to the internet's structure, we caution that data protection regulations and the aforementioned security measures by other persons or institutions outside our responsibility may not be observed. Data transmitted unencrypted, even via email, can potentially be read by third parties. We lack technical control over this, and thus, protecting data against misuse by encryption or other methods is the user's responsibility.

Data Storage Abroad

We consistently uphold the strict data protection standards legally binding in the European Union. In some cases, especially for technical reasons, your data entrusted to us might be stored on servers outside your country (including outside the European Union) where you initially entered your data. In such cases and where there's a risk that countries receiving your data do not have data protection law as stringent as your home country or the country from which you use our services, we ensure your data is handled according to this Privacy Policy's provisions.

Data Processing by Processors

We partially rely on third-party suppliers (processors) to operate our services. Your data must be transferred to these entities to perform their services. We have entered processing agreements with these processors under Art. 28 GDPR, and they implement strict data protection authority requirements when using your data. We ensure all third-party service providers assisting in our service provision comply with data protection law through this agreement and strict controls, ensuring your data is treated according to our instructions and not disclosed to third parties. Additionally, we implement further measures to protect and safeguard your data. Data processing outside the EEA only occurs if the service provider guarantees compliance with European data protection law requirements. In the event of a data breach, we will promptly notify the relevant authorities and affected individuals in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including the GDPR.

Our service providers (processors) and their purposes include:

  • Google Firebase, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA - Provider for analytics and data hosting services.

Data essential for analytical purposes is stored on Google Firebase servers, which may be located in various global regions, including the European Union. We entrust specific data processing tasks to Google Firebase, adhering to Art. 28 of the GDPR. This involves utilizing standard contractual clauses for the transfer of personal data to processors in countries outside of the European Union, in line with Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. This arrangement ensures that Google Firebase processes data exclusively based on our instructions and complies with the strict data protection regulations of the European Union. Additional information is available here:

For more details, see Google Firebase's privacy policy at:

  • AppsFlyer Ltd., 14 Maskit St., Herzliya 46733, Israel - Provider for mobile analytics and marketing data services.

Data crucial for analytics and marketing purposes is hosted on AppsFlyer servers, potentially located in various regions including the European Union. We allocate specific data processing responsibilities to AppsFlyer, in compliance with Art. 28 of the GDPR. This includes the use of standard contractual clauses for transferring personal data to processors situated in third countries, as outlined in Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. This ensures that AppsFlyer processes data strictly in accordance with our directives and adheres to the rigorous data protection standards of the European Union. More information can be found here:

For further details, please refer to AppsFlyer's privacy policy at:

Your Rights as a Data Subject

As a data subject in GameFox's data processing, you have the following rights listed in this section.

To exercise any of the below-mentioned rights, please contact us using the contact details in the following “Contact” section.

Please note that we may request proof of your identity and extensive information about your query before processing it.

Information, Processing Restriction, and Erasure

Under applicable legal provisions, you have the right to free information about your stored personal data, its origins, recipients, and processing purposes at any time. Depending on the respective prerequisites, you may also have the right to rectify incorrect data, restrict processing, and erase data.

Withdrawal of Consent to Data Processing

Certain data processing forms are possible only with your explicit consent. You can revoke previously given consent at any time. The legitimacy of data processing conducted until withdrawal remains unaffected.

Right to Data Portability

You generally have the right to receive or transfer to a third party, in a standard, machine-readable format, the data we process automatically based on your consent or in contract performance. Requesting direct data transfer to a third party will only be done if technically feasible.

Right to object

You have the right to object at any time, on grounds relating to your particular situation, to the processing of personal data concerning you, which is carried out based on Article 6(1)(e) or (f) GDPR; this also applies to profiling based on these provisions.

The controller shall no longer process your personal data unless it can demonstrate compelling legitimate grounds for the processing that override your interests, rights, and freedoms or the processing serves the purpose of asserting, exercising, or defending legal claims.

If the personal data concerning you is processed for the purposes of direct marketing, you have the right to object at any time to the processing of the personal data concerning you for the purposes of such marketing; this also applies to profiling insofar as it is related to such direct marketing.

If you object to the processing for direct marketing purposes, the personal data concerning you will no longer be processed for these purposes.

You have the possibility, in connection with the use of information society services - notwithstanding Directive 2002/58/EC - to exercise your right to object by means of automated procedures using technical specifications.

Right to revoke your declaration of consent under data protection law

You have the right to revoke your declaration of consent under data protection law at any time. The revocation of the consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent until the revocation.

The processing is lawful until your revocation - the revocation thus only affects the processing after receipt of your revocation. You can declare the revocation informally by mail or e-mail. Your personal data will no longer be processed, subject to permission by another legal basis. If this is not the case, your data must be deleted immediately after the revocation in accordance with Art. 17 (2) GDPR. Your right to revoke your consent subject to the above conditions is guaranteed.

Your revocation should be addressed to:

BitBurst GmbH

Lerchenweg 3

40789 Monheim am Rhein, Germany


Right to complain to a Supervisory Authority

Without prejudice to any other administrative or judicial remedy, you have the right to complain with a supervisory authority, in particular in the Member State of your residence, workplace, or the place of the alleged infringement, if you consider that the processing of personal data concerning you infringes the GDPR.

The supervisory authority to which the complaint has been lodged shall inform the complainant of its status and outcome, including the possibility of a judicial remedy under Article 78 GDPR.

Links to Third-Party Websites

Our website contains links to other service providers' websites, which may use cookies. Activating these links directs you to the other providers' websites, evident by the URL change, among other indicators.

We bear no responsibility for confidentially handling your data on these third-party websites, as we have no control over these companies' adherence to data protection regulations. Please directly inform yourself about the personal data use of these companies on their websites.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We consistently update this Privacy Policy. Therefore, we reserve the right to modify it occasionally and incorporate changes related to your data's collection, processing, and use. We advise regularly reviewing this Privacy Policy. The current version is always accessible under the “Privacy Policy” section within the app or at